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The Conshohocken Historical Society has received some of the records from Post 79. These records include a member list and member photos (shown below), as well as member war stories. Member war stories can be viewed by appointment at the Conshohocken Historical Society.

Grand Army of the Republic

George Smith Post 79 - Conhohocken, Pennsylvania

Listing of Members - Updated November 12, 2014

Alexander, Matthew

Baker, George B.

Bales, Edward F.

Balwin, James

Barr, John

Bates, James

Bates, Richard H.

Baylitts, Charles H.

Bearer, Henry

Beaver, Franklin

Beck, William D.

Bell, Washington

Bemesderfer, S. S.

Bennett, John

Berry, George W.

Binns, Samuel

Bittner, Philip

Blackburn, George E.

Bloomhall, Vincent

Branchy, James

Brooks, C. H.

Brooks, Winfield S.

Burns, Isaac

Caine, Edward J.

Campbell, Patrick

Carr, Clement J.

Chamberlain, Ephraim

Chamberlain, George W.

Chamberlain, James

Clark, William T.

Clinton, Thomas

Cole, Jesse G.

Colen, James S.

Colen, James W.

Colen, Joseph

Cook, Johnathen E.

Cooper, Edward

Coplin, W. O.

Cornog, Thomas

Crawford, John

Crawford, William A.

Custer, A. P.

Dalby, Richard

Darkes, Absalom

Davis, Francis

Davis, Joseph

Davis, William H.

Deal, Charles

Dehaven, Henry

Deveraux, William

Drummond, Jackson

Dutter, George W.

Earl, John

English, Edward

Fair, John W.

Fie, Augustus

Fox, Chalkey

Frease, Daniel

Frease, George W.

Galloway, Isaac

Gamble, William

Gardner, George

Garris, Joseph

Gibnay, D. M.

Gilmore, James

Gleniger, Nathias

Gleun, Lewis

Golden, John

Gotwaltz, Alexander

Gray, John

Griffith, John H.

Haley, Galey

Halley, John

Hallman, Samuel

Hannam, Benjamin F.

Harlan, W. B.

Harrold, Henry

Hass, Charles

Heard, John R.

Heck, John I.

Heffenfinger, John

Herron, Charles

Herron, Robert

Hilt, Frank W.

Hines, John K.

Hinkle, William N.

Holly, John

Hughes, Jeremiah G.

Jolen, William

Jones, James W.

Jones, Joseph C.

Jones, Richard

Jones, Thomas H.

Jones, Washington

Kelley, William

Kellichner, Edward

Keyes, George W.

Kirk, Rudolf

Kline, Jeremiah

Knause, John

Lewis, William E.

Logan, George H.

Lowery, William

Lowman, Samuel

Lukens, David H.

MacMillen, Robert

MacPeters, John

Mangan, Michael

McCarter, Samuel

McCord, George

McDowell, William

McFetters, William

McMoldy, Mahlon

McNolsby, A. D.

Miles, John

Miller, Robert

Miller, Steven

Mitchell, Samuel

Moore, John S.

Moore, Joseph K.

Morris, William

Morrow, John

Mulholland, James

Murphy, A. L.

Murphy, John

Murray, John

Murray, John

Murray, Thomas

Neff, George

Newhower, Abram

Noblit, Robert

Noblitt, William

Nungesser, William

Nuss, Samuel

Orner, Nathan J.

Parmer, James

Pass, George W.

Pearce, George W.

Pearson, George

Peneger, Samuel

Phillips, James

Pierce, John

Pitman, George H.

Pope, William

Potter, J. Wesley

Preston, Lewis

Pugh, John

Quirk, James

Ramsey, Thomas

Reinhart, Thomas

Rigg, Calvin H.

Roach, John

Roberts, Peter B.

Robinson, John

Roe, Andrew

Rogers, Ithan

Rogers, Jonathan E.

Roseiter, Elmore

Ross, Lewis

Rossiter, B. H.

Rowland, Benjamin

Ruby, William

Saylor, Charles

Scanlon, Peter

Schofield, Wright

Settle, John

Shade, John

Shainline, Benjamin Y.

Shelley, Enoc

Smith, Benjamin

Smith, Frank C.

Smith, Levi

Smith, Liam

Smith, Robert

Smith, William F.

Steel, Andrew

Stetler, William

Stewart, James V.

Sturgess, Thomas

Supplee, James

Supplee, John

Toland, William

Undercupper, Jesse

Wack, Benjamin

Wack, James P.

Wack, John W.

Walters, William

Wanamaker, Taylor

Warburton, Henry

Warren, Charles

Weeks, William

Welsh, Harrison

Wertz, Harry B.

Whartenby, John

Whartenby, William R.

White, John

White, John H.

Wickline, Christopher

Wild, Benjamin H.

Wild, John

Wilfong, James J.

Wilfong, Joseph

Wilkins, Christian

Wilkinson, Joseph B.

Wilkinson, Joseph V.

Wilkinson, William

Willard, Philip

Williams, Evan B.

Williams, George M.

Williams, George W.

Williams, John M.

Williams, William

Wilt, William E.

Wood, A. B.

Woods, John

Wray, William

Yerkes, Bethel M.

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The Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) was a fraternal organization founded in Decatur, Illinois on April 6, 1866 by Benjamin F. Stephenson. Membership was limited to honorably discharged veterans of the Union Army, Navy, Marine Corps or the Revenue Cutter Service who had served between April 12, 1861 and April 9, 1865. Local posts were established throughout the country generally named after a significant figure in the Civil War. In Conshohocken, the George Smith Post 79 was established on August 26, 1876 and re-chartered on June 20, 1878. Post 79 was named after George Smith the first solder from Conshohocken killed in the Civil War. George enlisted on August 23, 1861 in Co 8, 93rd regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers Infantry and was killed at the battle of Gaines Mills, Virginia on June 27, 1862.

At its height Post 79 has a membership of about 250 former solders. However, according to various articles in the newspaper “The Conshohocken Recorder," on June 19, 1927 there were only three surviving members of the post. As of Memorial Day, 1941 there were no surviving members.

Post 79 owned the G.A.R. hall a building at West Third Avenue and Forest Street. See picture below (used courtesy of After the Post disbanded, the building was used as a church.  It still stands today and is used as an office building.

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