It is a pleasure to welcome you to The Conshohocken Historical Society. We are an organization supported by members and friends dedicated to the mission of preserving and protecting the rich history of Conshohocken, Pennsylvania, and its surrounding areas, for present and future generations.
The Society started with conversations in the “backroom” of Rafferty’s Pharmacy at 57 Fayette Street in Conshohocken and an organizing meeting held on February 22, 1963, in The Mary Wood Park House, located at 120 East 5th Avenue, which is still the Society’s home.
It is our hope that your visit to our website and sampling of its offerings will cultivate your desire to further explore Conshohocken’s rich history and spark your interest in becoming a member of our Society.
If you are in possession of photographs, genealogical histories, unique artifacts, or other Conshohocken related materials, please consider sharing them with us.
Feel free to contact us for information, on any subject, and be assured that we will do our best to answer your question(s) or refer you to a source that can.
Welcome Again—and Enjoy Conshohocken as much as we do!
Joe P. Collins, CHS President
The Historical Society was started in 1963 in the rear of a local drugstore by local citizens concerned with preserving the history of Conshohocken. Years later the Society was moved to its current location at the Mary Wood Park House located at 120 East 5th Avenue in Conshohocken.

Our team and leadership are comprised entirely by volunteers, including the following individuals:
CHS Board Members
Sandy Bonenberger
Barbara Collins: E-Membership
Joe P. Collins: President/E-Membership
Joseph F. Collins: E-Membership
Rich Galie: Treasurer/Membership
Ann Love: Secretary/Researcher
Peggy McAvoy: Collections Archivist
Honorable Bernard A. Moore
Mike Poniatowicz: IT Coordinator/Researcher
Ethel Wise: Recording Secretary/Inventory
Bridget Fernandez: Collections Archivist
The purpose of the Society is to protect and preserve the heritage of the Borough of Conshohocken and surrounding areas for future generations; to make known to present and future generations past accomplishments of the Borough and its inhabitants and, to provide inspiration for future achievements. The organization is dedicated to preserving historical documents, accurate information, artifacts and memorabilia of the Conshohocken area and its past, present and future residents.
A core group of volunteers meets every Saturday between 10 a.m. and 12 p.m. at our office located at 120 East Fifth Avenue.
Visitors are welcome to stop by at that time.
Mary Wood Park House
120 East Fifth Avenue
Conshohocken, PA 19428
Visitors are welcome every Saturday, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m., and also by appointment.